One Year Into Coding: Journey so far.

One Year Into Coding: Journey so far.


It all began roughly 12 months ago. I had just completed several Google courses on digital marketing which I embarked on right after resigning from my 9 to 5 job. Web development was the next frontier for me. Hence, I researched languages and resources I could use to first take a peek/get a glimpse as to what programming entails.


Sololearn happened to be the first I tried-out. I was fascinated by the curriculum and the community therein. HTML was great and exciting because I was not only reading but I made good use of the 'playground'. The sololearn code playground became my first-ever editor.

Crossing-over to CSS was much more exciting and it signaled my induction into the 'design' part of web development. At this point I decided to switch to freecodecamp where I started from scratch to the mighty Javascript.

I got stuck and 'migrated' to w3schools especially to get another perspective on Javascript. TBH, Javascript seems like a never-ending road.

CodeCademy has been of great help. Here, I discovered React as well as many tools that aid developers. React, for me, encompasses everything frontend.


Overtime, I have earned a number of certifications and completed many mini-projects. I have come of age in web development circles and I feel using #codenewbie is now a 'no-no'. I shall be 'launching' my portfolio site very soon.

My only regret is that I should have been blogging about my progress from the very start. My consolation is that I have been tweeting here thanks to #100DaysofCode.

Here's a list of tools I can confidently use: git, vscode, cli/git bash, browser dev tools. The languages, frameworks & libraries I can employ on my projects are: HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JS, jQuery, NextJS, ReactJS & nodeJS. However, I keep making discoveries in JS, ReactJS, NextJS & nodeJS.

I am sure I have left-out a whole lot as this was rushed. Kindly share if you like and follow me on twitter and checkout some of my mini-projects on github.