My Journey & Thoughts

Hello Dev World! I am Osaro, a self-learning Front-End Developer fluent in HTML, CSS, JS (sub-intermediate) as well as some libraries & frameworks. For about 10 months, I have been on this road of discovery and I must say it's been an interesting ride.

Having studied on platforms such as freeCodeCamp, codeCademy, w3schools & sololearn, I can confidently claim to be a Developer inasmuch as I know that I still have a lot to learn. My projects are a testament of my growth over time and I am glad that I have been making stuff right from the start. There is so much ground to cover and I have come to realize that being a Developer is a life-long learning process. If you are just starting to learn coding, I advise you try to create something, get your hands dirty. There are a mammoth of resources out there, get busy studying while writing codes. Try to pass-on the knowledge to someone below your fluency level to help them and yourself.

My first post, I hope to write more...

Happy Coding! I am @osaroDEV on twitter, github, codepen &